The CBI RAU is a factory fitted module that enables the automated switching of the DD-frame circuit breakers. The unit can actuate the circuit breakers both ON and OFF. The actuation of the circuit breaker pole occurs completely internally. The RAU unit is mounted on the left hand side of the circuit breakers and can be connected up to a three pole unit. The RAU connects to circuit breakers with a standard toggle. The circuit breakers can be manually operated when in the remote mode. Two indicators are present on the front face of the RAU. The first is a LED that provides an indication which indicates the mode of operation as well as showing the units status. The second is a color flag indication which indicates the position of the latching mechanism of the connected circuit breakers. The unit has a select switch, providing the ability to specify the operation mode – remote or manual. A signal output provides feedback to the user that there is power on the load side of the circuit breakers. The connection of the control signal is done via a standard connection terminal block, Phoenix 1780002 or equivalent, which is included with the RAU module.
The RAU unit is powered with a DC voltage but it can also be used to control AC circuit breakers.